Monday, May 12, 2008

Monday, Monday...

Early out days ruin my life. By the time I get Kyler to preschool it feels like it's time to go get J&J. As soon as they come home we turn around and get Kyler. Now I really should be fixing dinner but I really don't want it. Blogging is a great avoidance tool.
I should really have a menu planned. That takes planning and since I have time to blog I don't have the time or energy to plan a menu! (see how I justified my slacking:).
The new camera was a no-go. Each of the boys gave me new cool stuff for my bike. A flat tire repair kit (previously my cellphone). A multitool (what's that for?) and a cyclocomputer that will track how much I'm not riding it:)! It wasn't too bad. Macho-man came home sick from work Friday, then went to a movie with Keyan and then on a search & rescue call (until 730am). Of course he was too tired (and sick) to go to church. I should stop now-I can sense the resentment oozing onto the page! We went to the inlaws and stopped by my moms house and all in all it was a good mother's day.


Shauna said...

So Mother's Day gifts were a bust--at least the math gods smiled in time for the grades!

FYI, since you guys missed church, the "Fathers & Sons" camp out is Friday night at Mutal Dell and the boys have the lower lodge. Since I am sure MachoMan will want to look like Super Dad he can take ALL the boys and we girls should all go the movies--or something.

Hmmmm. That sounds even more fun written out than just floating in my head with a manical laught Mwhaaa.

Stephie said...

Well at least you got some "useful" gifts. :-) Jim got me a too-tight soccer, underarmour tight...what in the world was he thinking?? Anyway, we don't need no stinkin' men to tell us we're great!!--we've got each other!!
:-) Love ya!