Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Back to Crazytown!!

AHHH! Finally I can take a breathe! Yesterday was so insanely busy! The little punks spent the day with grandpa in Salem. This worried me for many reasons. He had never changed a diaper for starters and there's the pond, the horse, the electric fence as well as all the common objects these guys can use to create bodily harm. Other than a sunburn they none the worse for wear! They mowed the lawn with the riding lawnmower and went out on the paddle boat and had an overall great time! I actually am very grateful grandpa is willing to have them for the day!
Then there was scouts and cleaning the church and dinner and relief society and dinner and homework and finally bed!
I took a math test today on logic-lame but anytime I can use my suduko skills and get credit for it is good!

1 comment:

Stephie said...

So, the boys survived the day with you know he can babysit...I like it!! :-)
Rock on...