We have been so busy! Here are some pictures of what we've been up to. Notice the pigeon. Yeah, the Cap'n brought this home from his run Friday night. He said it followed him--that still did not explain why it was in my kitchen. Of course the children had to name it-I preferred Joshua's name for it (feathers) to Jacob's name (pecker). I didn't really want to explain to Ja why I flinched when he called it but neverless the pigeon has (hopefully) flown the coop by now. If it doesn't go soon I fear that my cat may have a tasty feast. The older boys just finished swim lessons for the summer and baseball is over so hopefully we can relax and enjoy some more downtime, that is what summer's all about isn't it?
School and work (clinicals, I don't actually get paid) have kept me busy and the heat has kept me from running my scheduled runs. I have a 20mi run scheduled for this week, hopefully that will happen but I'm not sure what else I can sqeeze in. We met some friends at the park this afternoon and now it is (dreaded) xbox time. Legos have been big again at my house, they go rom being ignored to being fought over. Last week the boys and I went up to cascade springs, it was beautiful and actually a nice time. Any ideas for other fun (by fun I mean cheap) things to take the fam to this summer? The Bean museum and earth science museum as well as the botanical gardens at BYU are fun (free) local things, any other ideas?
thanks M. I think I'm going to have to try Synthroid once again. I can't get the Armour Thyroid. I'm not sure if the AT works for me because it includes the t3, t4 and tsh (I have hashimotos disease and it's a bugger.) oh blah blah blah. i miss living by all of you. it was fun.
Pigeon? Interesting...Jim would never have brought home a "rat with wings". :-) Of course he wouldn't have been out running either!! LOL!!
Miss you so much!!
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