Saturday, July 5, 2008

57:12, my official chip time for the Provo freedom run 10K. Not too bad, not exactly a winning time but everybody gets a medal so we're all winners right? Keyan ran the 5k and did awesome, like 34th overall. That's how our independence day got started.
In the afternoon we went up Payson canyon to 'the grotto'. It was pretty cool, baby C loved hiking, that boy didn't slow down and certainly didn't need me holding his hand (even crossing the log bridges). I took some great picts but the laptop is pschizo and the 'home' computer is a pain to load stuff on so I'll do it later. I'll also post some shots of the boys on the slipnslide at the inlaws. We laid down some heavy plastic on the hillside next to their house and put the hose on-they had a great time then we set up the big blow up slide above it so they would slide down the blowup and plop out onto the plastic and down the hill.
I was too pooped for fireworks (I had to be @the hosp@ 6am). Keyan walked the boys over though and the cap'n gave them a ride home on the engine. It was a long full day and the kids were sure wound up, speaking 'whinese' all day long! The two littles fell asleep so that was my excuse for staying home. Anyway, sorry this is kind of a random rambling post but that's how my life goes!


Jen said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog! You're too nice, cause I can't believe all that you do in a day. How do you find the energy to run? And I love the "winese". I have one child that is proficient in that language. Good luck with your training and I hope to see you in Logan this fall.

Jodi said...

Hey, I found you on Jen's blog. I am also a runner and like reading other's running blogs and then I read that you have 5 boys! SO DO I! Cool! I don't meet too many others that have five guys and no girls do you? Drop by sometime!