Thursday, June 26, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

This is the first time I've been tagged so I hope I don't screw it up too bad!

What I was doing 20 years ago (wow, I'm old) 1988:
1."Ratting" my bangs
2.Harassing the vice principle with the Elvis hair @jr high (Brother, oh, I mean Mr, Jacklyn)
3. Sneaking into stake dances

What I was doing 10 years ago 1998:
1. Was sealed in the temple (March 28th)
2. Working at Morgan Jewelers
3. Custody battle with Keyan's mom (drama)

What I was doing 5 years ago 2003:
1. Baking in the hottest summer ever big huge prego with Ky
2. Taking Jacob to the ER for stitches on the 24th of July (see #1)
3. Enjoying not owning a television (mother in law fixed that at Christmas-she thought it was neglegent I think:)

What I was doing one year ago 2007:
1. Taking online prereq classes
2. buying a road bike
3. having my appendix removed (you all know that story)

What I've been doing so far this year:
1. Ran 2 half marathons
2. Started school full time (and more!)
3. Enjoyed the greatest friendships!!

What I was doing yesterday
1. Doing my visiting teaching @JCW's
2. Having a shake with Kell @JCW's
3. Working a clinical rotation til 2am

What I was doing today (June 26th):
1. Boys to swim lessons
2. Summer get together @Ang's (thanks)
3. Planning on a run with Ang (after 2 ball games)

What I'm doing tomorrow:
1. Taking my guys to 'Saint Kelly's' and heading to class
2. Taking a test on EKG's and CPR
3. Hopefully playing a bit before the kids go to grandmas for a sleepover

Next year 2009:
1. Pass the CRT boards and getting a respiratory care license
2. Run the Wasatch back (and like it)
3.visit my sister in Texas (since she won't come see me!)

Okay so now I don't know who to tag-Ang and I have the same friends so I'll tag my sister Steph and my sister in law, Angie! You're it! Thanks!


Stephie said...

LOL!! I feel so freaking old...
Love you and miss you!!

Angie said...

you make me feel like a slacker. I don't think I have done half of what you have. way to go!!