Friday, June 6, 2008

Fallen out of the blogosphere!!

It has been a jampacked couple of weeks!! Joshua had a birthday and got baptized, the kids got out of school for summer, they tried out for swim team (ended up signing up for swim lessons), school for me gets crazier every day and frankly you're glad i didn't have time to blog about Josh's baseball (rec baseball) coach. After his 2 page manifesto on his coaching philosophy, objectives for the season and expectations of parents I was ready to shove it down his throat.
I showed good sportsmanship and a lot of restraint and Josh is still on his team (I believe he is well-intended). Josh, Jacob and Kyler are all on different teams this year which means we are pretty much doing baseball 4-7 mon-thurs. Kyler is such a hoot to watch though!! He always wants to bat-no matter what part of the inning or how many times he hits if no one is watching he finds a helmet (learned from the safety-queen!) and sticks a ball on the T and starts swingin! It's fun watching the coaches get exasperated with him!!(did I say that out loud). If you have ever been around Kyler much you know that half the fun is watching how people respond to 'his ways'.
I would love to write more but I have cub scout daycamp at 7am tomorrow and I finished a big final for my RT class so my brain is empty.


Shauna said...

What a woman! Cub Scout Day Camp after a final and a full time RT day?! Wow!

Try to have some fun and be happy you only have 4 boys, rather than all of them that will be there tomorrow!

See you Sunday!
:) Shauna

Stephie said...

All your baseball seems to be vaguely similar to all our soccer around here!! :-) 3 different teams, different practice times, and games any time of the day on Saturday OR Sunday...throw dance in there too just for fun! I feel your pain! Although, at the moment, I'm not attending any "outside schooling"...not even AA... :-)