Sunday, October 5, 2008

Phrases I never thought would come out of my mouth

     Occasionally I say things to my children and when I listen to what I've said I am truly surprised. Some examples from today--"Don't lick my pillow", "Don't wipe your nose on the rug" and a classic from the past-"Don't put any part of that cat in your mouth".  These are things that you think intuitively they should know or would at least think twice before doing. I guess I could say the same thing about swallowing cinnamon though. My voice has returned and I haven't seen the crew from the station since--although Capn assured me they watched it over and over. 
     I do love conference weekend though. The 'together time' with the family is a little grating on the nerves at times, we were all within arms reach of each other which was way too tempting. Nit picking and annoying-ness ensued. We usually take a walk in between sessions and have a picnic to get the wiggles out but with the rain we couldn't. Now that the sun is out though we are watching "The Princess Bride". I've seen it a million times but it is still delightful--a classic. I must go fetch that pitchah!  


Shauna said...

As you wish....

Stephie said...

"You may not color on your brother!" that one too!! "Take the baby's hand out of your mouth!" ...

simply kris said...

Funny, if I can't sleep I put on the Princess Bride. Don't know if I've ever seen the movie all the way through, yet. I have seen every part, just not together.