Saturday, August 16, 2008

Here I am wwilfing (what was I looking for?) on the computer when I really need to be working on my talk for tomorrow. Our topic is home storage and self reliance. Our congregation really doesn't want to listen to me complain about all the people I know/see that are mooching and how completely wrong it is, they don't want to hear me preach about food storage--again. I'm just not sure what direction to go because I'm in a kind of negative place right now and everything positive has been reiterated a million times. But really, I did find a blog about food storage, it was pretty cool--that's how I'd rather learn about food storage and preparedness, a blog!
The darn Olympics has been keeping me up every night. On Thursday I SWORE I was not staying up--sleep is more important than who one what. Then it was Nastia and I got sucked in and had to watch. Unfortunately that shot down my NO DIET COKE goal for yesterday because I needed that little pick-me-up. Which reminds me, has anyone seen that mcdonalds commercial they keep showing with all of these athletes holding their new sandwhich?? Yeah right, none of those guys would be caught dead eating at mickey d's.
I am feeling like the white trash queen. Yesterday a friend and I decided to trek it out to the county fair. It was free and our boys could earn a cub scout patch. So on our way we drove by this bank, I noticed that they were setting up for their customer appreciation day. So we went to the fair. Just a tip, DON'T WEAR FLIP FLOPS to the fair!!Open toes are not what you want chasing 4 boys through muck and mire! I succeessfully avoided the carnival section and picked up free balloons and water bottles. When the boys started complaining they were hungry I asked if hot dogs were okay-the boys said fine but were confused when we went back in to the car. We drove back to the bank and hijacked their customer appreciation day. I have a twinge of guilt-which I guess seperates me from true white trash but I do have a debit card from this bank (though I'm just on the account). Once the kids were full of nitrates and high fructose corn syrup we went back to the car without even going in the bank which they were probably grateful for since their fingers were covered in cheetoh orangeness.
I went to my moms so I could take her her laundry and mow her lawn. Because you know my able bodied brother who lives in her basement rent free and had the day off just couldn't (see first paragraph for source of sarcasm). The two littles fell asleep and it was cool enough that since I parked in the shade and opened both side doors they could stay asleep while I mowed. So they actually slept while I mowed right next to them, I was surprised. When they awoke and after I obliterated a sprinkler head Mr colbs emptied like a whole roll of TP in the toilet, which Ky of course peed on and flushed. So I spent like a 1/2 hr trying to unclog the nasty toilet (this is why I but cheap toilet paper).
The boys are sleeping at the inlaws tonight for the last hoorah of the summer (hoorah!!). So I guess that's when I'll write my talk☻


Unknown said...

I would have loved to do the fair but one called me! That's the way it goes sometimes. Good luck with your talk, you'll be fabulous!

Shauna said...

The talk was great! You could have gone with your first inclination and told the ward "Pull Your Heads OUT! Get off your duffs and take care of yourselves! Clean up your front lawns! Quit your b****ing and moaning and just do what you know you should be doing, already!" I would have liked to see htat...but the ones who really need to hear that were probably at home waiting to come to the bishop's office for a food order later. Did I just SAY that?! Oh well. It is true.

You did do great though and I thought you were awesome. BUt you are awesome, do it is no surprise. See you in a ew when we walk these boys to the school.
:) Shauna

jenniec said...

way to go at school!
Food storage? who would have thought it. Love j