Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Back in service

My new shoes!

The desktop is up and running! Yeah! The laptop is still dead so I'll have to wrestle the punks for time on the desktop.

The countdown is on, school for J&J starts MONDAY!! THIS MONDAY! Unfortunately I have to speak in church on Sunday, crap. Too bad I have a conscience and can't say no.

I checked my grades for last semester-straight A's!! I can't believe it, 22 credit hrs. Shoosh. Now I need to meet with one of those academic advisors about degree paper work.

After my long run on Monday I realized the ugly blister on my foot (new shoes) was getting uglier so Tuesday I decided to do yoga. It felt great!! Problem was that afterwards I had to chase down Colby to change him. He squirmed the wrong way and I wrenched my back. Have I mentioned that I'm not a pleasant person when I'm in pain? My family can tell you. I bought some of those sticky heat pads-awesome! What I really need though is drugs. I don't keep a backstock of anything stronger than excedrin so I might have to make a trip to my source (mom).


Shauna said...

Glad you're back. More gald that we took a break from "real" life and went to the Barn. Sorry I have a bad attitude that can be contagious. Yeah for Monday. Yeah for straight "A"s! Don't forget our date with the vampires tomorrow at 4--blood drive. ;)

:) Shauna

Stephie said...

Congrats on the straght A's!! Awesome! Sorry about your back...I understand pain...
Feel better soon!!
Love you!