Sunday, December 28, 2008

Now that that's done!

For those of you unfortunate enough to have read my recounting of Christmas evening you will understand why I decided to delete it (now if only I had a 'delete' button!). After unloading on some good friends and a beautiful lesson in RS today I have a renewed outlook. This is the season of HOPE, even if it is hope that we'll never have a repeat of this year. Even if the people who need it the most are unaware of it It (i.e. hope in Christ) is always there. I'll post pictures and an update on my Wii-tards later, love you all and hope you have a fantastic break!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas time is here!

Yesterday we had the Fire Dept. Christmas get-together with the big man-Santa! It was so fun, last year was the first year and it's great because Santa brings a gift for each child. I don't have to drag my kids to the mall or anywhere else to check that off of my list!
Graduation was last week and I got straight A's again-yeah! I start again in a couple of weeks and I sit for my boards as soon as my degree posts. The kids are all getting bigger and soon the youngest will be out of diapers (real soon I hope!). The snow has been crazy but nice, especially cuz I'm not worrying about running to school or work. If it's going to be cold it might as well snow.
Capn is working Christmas and Christmas eve-bummer, but we've planned a sleepover at the firestation. I hope the kids have fun and that it's a Christmas to remember. I'm home with a sick little one today so hopefully that will be done before the big day!! Merry Chrismas to you all and may the New Year bring more happy memories with friends and family!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

I know I've been slacking!

It must seem like I'm a slacker, not updating my blog for weeks at a time but I have been really busy! Promise! I passed my test last week-hooray! That took up enough time but I also finished up my clinical rotations this week. I hadn't worked 2 12hr days in a row-I was exhausted! I do like critical care though.
Capn took J&J to the Jazz game last night. A sweet friend gave us tickets. The boys were so funny, they took notebook paper and some glue and pens and made these UTAH JAZZ ROCKS! posters. Very ummm homemade I thought they were funny!
I am nowhere near done with Christmas shopping. Mostly cuz I don't know what to get. No one really has that have to have gift this year and I think I may be avoiding a bit. We don't need anymore 'stuff' and so much of it becomes 'junk' so quickly. I don't really want to buy a $50 XBOX game when I hate the XBOX and don't let them play often as it is. I might sit for my board over Christmas break-I won't get my score til my grades post (6 weeks) but it'd be nice to get it over with.
Thanksgiving was nice. My brother and his family were here from AZ and it was so fun to see their boys! My guys had a great time with them, I wish they lived closer. Maybe I could just move to AZ? I do love the sunshine!